“We are entering what some in the technology industry refer to as a post-PC era. This does not mean that the personal computer is about to disappear. But according to estimates from Gartner, a research firm, combined shipments of web-connected smartphones and tablet computers are likely to exceed those of desktop and laptop computers for the first time this year, putting PCs in the shade. According to Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, there could be 10 billion mobile devices in circulation by 2020. Many of these will use bite-size chunks of software known as “apps”, some 18 billion of which are likely to be downloaded this year.”
In het tijdschrift The Economist is deze week een speciale bijlage toegevoegd, dat gaat over het tijdperk na de PC. Het geeft een aardig overzicht van trends zoals consumerization en multitouch. Jammer is echter dat ze nagenoeg geen aandacht besteden aan interfaces zoals die van de Kinect en die van spraak (Apple Assistant).
Mijn trendrapport: Het Post-PC tijdperk gaat hier wel op in.